Thursday, May 7, 2009

A face only a mother could love!

Okay, how could you get mad at this face? Clean out enough dirty Handy Mandy underwear and I'll let you know!
I wish that Blake would be potty trained ALREADY!!!!!!!!!! We're trying to work our way to a "Scooby Do" movie and you think that 3 days in a row wouldn't be all that hard. Thought wrong, so everyone give him a little encouragement when you see him! Pierce officially has his first tooth ~ 10 months already, I know I can't believe it either!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Thought I'd let everyone know, Blake hit redial on the phone today and called my mom while he was supposed to be napping! Kind of funny, when my mom answered ~ he hung up. The weird part is that I tried to call my gramma from my other gramma's house when I was two and could actually dial her long distance phone number. Definitely my son!
Just starting this blog to let everyone know about the up and coming of my two little angels.
Blake and Pierce Moran ~ two boys on the run. Both born premature, but caught up and making a run for it! Blake was born at 29 weeks and Pierce born at 35 weeks. They're getting big and you'd hardly know that they were born early!